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Why Is It Important That Goals Be Measurable? A SMART Guide to Ultimate Success

Updated: Jul 20

Setting goals has the power to completely transform your life, my friend. Picture yourself reaching your wildest dreams by simply following a straightforward path. Now, let me introduce you to the wonderful world of SMART goals. So, let's break it down. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. It's like a little cheat code for setting goals that actually make sense. Let's dive into each of these elements and see how they can help us level up our goal-setting game. So, let's talk about these criteria that will help you create some seriously clear and totally attainable goals. Because, let's face it, we all need a little guidance when it comes to setting goals, am I right?

Smart Goal Setting - Chart with keywords and icons - Flat Design
Photo Courtesy of Relif

Having clear goals is like having a compass to guide you through the wilderness of life. Tracking your progress and staying motivated has never been easier! Setting SMART goals helps you stay focused on what really matters. Why bother with those vague ambitions when there are so many better things to do with your time? But hey, forget about success! Instead, I've got a little roadmap for you. Whether it's for your career or personal life, setting SMART goals can be a game-changer in helping you achieve more.

Get ready to start setting SMART goals today and prepare to be amazed by the difference they'll make. When you set clear and achievable goals, you'll be soaring to new heights in no time! SMART goals are like your trusty compass, leading you towards a future filled with success and achievement.

What are SMART Goals?

So, you want to set some goals, huh? Well, let me tell you about SMART goals. They're like your trusty sidekick in the quest for success. With SMART goals, you can create objectives that are crystal clear and totally achievable. It's like having a secret weapon up your sleeve! So, let's break it down. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. It's like a secret code for setting goals that actually make sense. Let's dive into each letter and uncover the magic behind SMART. So, let's talk about this framework and how it's basically the superhero of goal-setting. Each part of this bad boy has its own special power that helps you set goals like a boss.


Being specific is crucial when setting goals. It's important to have a clear and well-defined objective in mind. Well, it's only fair that this little piece of writing answers all the important questions: who, what, where, when, and why. Let's dive right in, shall we? So get this, I've got this crazy idea to boost my sales by a whopping 20% in just six months. Can you believe it? I mean, who even does that? But hey, I'm all about setting big goals and going for it. Let's see if I can pull off this wild stunt!


Tracking your progress is a key aspect of being measurable. So, here's the deal: you gotta be able to measure your goal, you know, like a pro. That way, you can see just how close you are to achieving it. It's like having a progress report, but for your life. Pretty nifty, huh? So, you might come across some numbers, dates, or other concrete criteria in this mix.


So, let's talk about making sure your goal is actually doable. Because let's face it, setting unrealistic goals is just setting yourself up for disappointment. We want to aim high, but we also want to be practical. So, let's make sure your goal is achievable, shall we? It's important to find a balance between a challenge and something that you can actually achieve with the skills and resources you have at the moment.


So, here's the deal: being relevant is all about making sure your goal lines up with your other objectives. It's like trying to fit a square peg into a square hole - it just makes sense, you know? Why should this matter to you? Well, it's important to consider how it fits into the bigger picture of your plans.


Adding a deadline to your goal is like giving it a little nudge, a gentle reminder that time is of the essence. It's amazing how this little trick can really light a fire under you and help you stay on track. So get this, I'm gonna have this project wrapped up by the end of the month. Can you believe it?

Specific: The Power of Precision

Dart board with dart in the center
Photo Courtesy of Immo Wegman

What Make's a Goal Specific?

So, let's talk about what makes a goal specific, shall we? Well, specificity is key when it comes to setting goals. You can't just say, "I want to lose weight." That's too vague! Instead, you need to get specific and say something like, "I want to lose 10 pounds in the next two months." See the difference? Being specific not only gives you a clear target to

So, let's talk about goals. They become super specific when you make them clear and detailed. Like, we're talking about leaving no room for confusion here. No more vague, wishy-washy goals. We're getting down to the nitty-gritty details, my friend. Having clear goals is crucial. It's like having a roadmap that leaves no room for confusion or getting lost along the way. They tackle all the important questions: who's in, what's the goal, where's the action, when's the big moment, and why it actually matters.

Examples of Specific vs. Vague Goals

  • Vague Goal: "I want to get fit."

  • Specific Goal: "I want to lose 10 pounds in three months by exercising at the gym five times a week and following a healthy diet."

Having a specific goal is like having a roadmap that clearly lays out where you want to go, when you want to get there, and how you plan to get there. It's like having a GPS for your progress, making it easier to stay on track and see how far you've come.

Tips for Making Goals Specific

Well, well, well, look who's being all specific! It's like you're on a mission to leave no room for ambiguity. I can appreciate that level of precision, even if it does make things a bit less exciting. But hey, sometimes it is what it is.


Let's figure out who's in the mix, shall we? I'm going to team up with a personal trainer, because let's face it, I need all the help I can get!

  • Identify who is involved. Example: "I will work with a personal trainer."


So, let's start by figuring out what you're trying to achieve here. I'm about to tackle a 5K race!

  • Define what you want to accomplish. Example: "I will run a 5K race.


Alright, let's get down to business and figure out where exactly this is all happening. Give me the deets on the location, my friend! I'm going to get my sweat on at the park.

  • Specify the location. Example: "I will train at the local park.


Let's talk about setting a timeframe, shall we? I'll have this goal wrapped up by December 31st.

  • When: Set a timeframe. Example: "I will complete this goal by December 31.


So, let's talk about why this goal is actually important. I mean, sure, it might seem like just another thing on your to-do list, but trust me, there's more to it than meets the eye. Let's dive in, shall we? I'm all about boosting my health and stamina.

  • Explain why the goal is important. Example: "I want to improve my health and stamina."

Measurable: Tracking Your Progress

Orange background with tape measure
Photo Courtesy of Wix Media

Why is it Important That Goals be Measurable?

So, why is it important that goals be measurable? Having measurable goals is absolutely crucial. Not only do they help you keep track of your progress, but they also give you a clear idea of how far you've come in reaching your objectives. It's like having mile markers guiding you on your journey to success!

So here's the deal: when you've got a goal that's measurable, it's like having your own personal progress tracker. You can keep an eye on how far you've come and use that as fuel to keep going. It's like having your own cheerleader, but without the pom-poms. And hey, here's a little tip for you: this nifty feature helps you spot any tweaks you might need to make to keep yourself on the right path. Pretty handy, right?

Quantifying Progress and Success

If you want to make a goal measurable, you gotta set some clear criteria for success. It's like trying to hit a target without knowing where it is - you're just shooting in the dark! So, take a step back, think about what you want to achieve, and then come up with some specific benchmarks to track your progress. Trust me, it'll make all the difference! So here's the thing: you gotta set some fancy metrics or milestones that you can easily count or track. It's like keeping score, but with a purpose. Trust me, it's gonna make your life a whole lot easier.

So here's a little tip for you: instead of just saying, "I want to save money," why not spice it up a bit and say, "I want to save a whopping $1,000 in just three short months!" Trust me, it'll make your savings goals sound way more exciting!

Examples of Measurable Criteria

  • Percentages: "Increase my sales by 20% over the next quarter."

  • Numbers: "Read 12 books this year."

  • Milestones: "Complete three key project phases by year-end."

Achievable: Balancing Ambition and Reality

Defining Achievable Goals

Let's talk about achievable goals, shall we? These are the ones that you can actually reach without feeling like you're climbing Mount Everest. No need to set your sights on the moon when you can conquer the hill right in front of you. Setting objectives can be a real challenge. You have to consider what you're capable of, what resources you have, and all those pesky constraints. It's like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. But hey, we'll figure it out! It's important to set achievable goals, so you don't end up feeling like a total failure. Trust me, been there, done that, and brought back a souvenir. So let's aim for success, one realistic goal at a time!

Consider this: goals need to be both realistic and challenging. It's like finding that perfect balance between eating a salad and indulging in a slice of cake. You want to push yourself, but not to the point where you're setting yourself up for failure. Set those goals that make you stretch a little, but remember to keep it within the realm of possibility. You gotta strike a sweet spot between challenging yourself and keeping your goals within reach. It's like walking a tightrope, but totally doable. Setting goals that are too simple won't exactly light a fire under you, but aiming for the stars might just leave you feeling defeated.

Assessing Feasibility

  • Resources: Consider what tools, finances, and support you need. Ensure you have access to these resources.

  • Time: Evaluate if you have enough time to achieve your goal. Break it down into smaller tasks if necessary.

  • Skills: Assess your current skills and identify any gaps. Plan to acquire any additional skills needed.

Relevant: Aligning with Your Objectives 

Word relevant on dry-erase board
Photo Courtesy of

Relevance to Personal or Professional Objectives

It's important to make sure your goals are in line with your overall personal or professional objectives. Otherwise, you might end up going in circles like a confused hamster on a wheel! Having relevant goals is crucial to making sure your efforts actually matter in the grand scheme of things. You don't want to waste your time on something that won't help you achieve your long-term aspirations, right?

It's pretty awesome how this alignment thing keeps you on track and motivated. You can actually see how your everyday actions can lead to some pretty cool results.

Importance of Setting Meaningful Goals

Setting goals that truly matter is absolutely crucial. Trust me, you don't want to waste your time on goals that are as meaningful as soggy cereal. So, buckle up and get ready to chase after those goals that make your heart skip a beat and your face light up with excitement. Because life's too short to aim for anything less than extraordinary! When your goals perfectly sync up with your values and long-term plans, they transform from mere tasks into these magical stepping stones that lead you straight to your wildest dreams. Staying engaged and committed is a breeze when you grasp the deeper purpose behind your efforts. It's like having a secret weapon that keeps you hooked.

Examples of Relevant Goals

  • Career: "Complete a leadership training program to prepare for a management role." This goal is relevant if your long-term aim is to advance in your career.

  • Personal Development: "Learn a new language to enhance communication skills and cultural understanding." This goal aligns with personal growth and broadening your horizons.

Time-Bound: Creating a Sense of Urgency

Pink background with clock and calendar
Photo Courtesy of Towfiqu Barbhuiya

Necessity of Deadlines and Time Frames

So, let's talk about setting deadlines and time frames for your goals. It's kind of a big deal, you know? Who doesn't love a good deadline? They really know how to light a fire under our butts and keep us on our toes. It's like having a personal cheerleader constantly reminding us to stay focused and motivated. Gotta love that sense of urgency! Let's face it, when you're up against the clock, you're way less likely to put things off and way more likely to stay focused and committed. It's like a built-in motivation booster!

Examples of Time-Bound Goals and Their Benefits

  • Career: "Complete a certification course within six months." This clear deadline helps you stay on track and measure progress.

  • Health: "Lose 10 pounds in three months by following a structured diet and exercise plan." The specific time frame encourages consistent effort and helps track improvements.

Tips for Setting Realistic Deadlines

  • Assess Your Schedule: Consider your current commitments to set achievable deadlines.

  • Break It Down: Divide larger goals into smaller tasks with individual deadlines.

  • Stay Flexible: Be prepared to adjust deadlines if necessary but keep the overall goal in sight.

  • Monitor Progress: Regularly check your progress to stay on track and make any necessary adjustments.

The Bottom Line is This...

Setting SMART goals can totally revolutionize your journey to success! When you make sure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound, you're basically creating a super-organized roadmap. It's like having a roadmap for your life!

By adopting this approach, you'll be able to keep your eye on the prize, stay motivated, and stay organized. This will ultimately help you achieve your goals in a more efficient and effective manner. Get ready to set some SMART goals and watch the magic happen in your personal and professional life!

So, have you ever given SMART goals a whirl? Trust me, they're a game-changer! Feel free to drop your experiences or questions in the comments section! I'd love to hear from you!

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