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Putting Things Off: Compulsive Avoidance Procrastination

Updated: Jul 20

Putting things off, what a struggle, right? It's a common problem that haunts countless individuals, leaving them with that nagging question, "Why can't I just stop putting things off?" It's a puzzling phenomenon that has left productivity enthusiasts and professionals scratching their heads for ages. Get ready to dive into the fascinating realm of procrastination! In this blog post, we'll unravel the mysteries behind why we just can't seem to stop procrastinating and putting things off. We'll also dish out some easy examples and practical steps to help you break free from this never-ending cycle of self-sabotage.

A woman at work, sitting at laptop unfocused
Photo Courtesy of Unsplash

The Procrastination Cycle

The Psychological Factors Behind Putting Things Off

So, let's dive into the fascinating world of why we just can't seem to stop putting things off, shall we? Deep down, procrastination is like a sneaky little creature that creeps up on us when we're faced with tasks that bring out our inner grumbles and groans. These tasks take us on a rollercoaster of emotions and thoughts that can plague us! From the fear of failure to the never-ending pursuit of perfection, and let's not forget the dread of those oh-so-dull and tedious tasks. It can be a wild ride!

Aside from the usual suspects of emotions and cognitive factors, there are a bunch of sneaky culprits that contribute to our beloved habit of procrastination. Take a moment to imagine those poor souls who can't seem to make up their minds or figure out what's important. They end up procrastinating because they can't decide which tasks to tackle first. It's a struggle, to say the least. Furthermore, individuals with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may encounter challenges when it comes to focusing and controlling their impulses, resulting in compulsive avoidance procrastination.

In addition, studies have revealed that putting things off might just be a result of our inability to regulate and control ourselves. For those who lack a bit of self-regulation, setting goals and sticking to plans can be a real challenge. This often results in a whole lot of procrastination. Trust me, I've been there. In a world full of distractions, it's no surprise that some people struggle with self-control.

Instead of tackling important tasks that demand effort and focus, they give in to the temptation of checking social media or binge-watching their favorite shows. It's a constant battle for those who struggle with self-discipline, but hey, we've all been there, right?

With the intricate dance of thoughts, feelings, and quirks that go into procrastination, tackling it head-on requires a mix of clever cognitive-behavioral therapy and zen-like mindfulness techniques. By tackling these underlying issues, folks can acquire the necessary tools and strategies to conquer their pesky habits of procrastination and reach their goals with a whole lot more ease and efficiency.

Procrastination as Self-Sabotage

Compulsive avoidance procrastination can sometimes feel like our subconscious is playing a sneaky game of hide-and-seek with our responsibilities. It's like our mind is trying to shield us from the scary unknowns of failure or the discomfort of venturing beyond our cozy comfort zone. From getting lost in daydreams, overplanning every little detail, or even becoming addicted to self-help resources that never actually lead to any action. It's like we're our own worst enemies sometimes!

Procrastination is a real doozy. It's like our brains have a secret mission to avoid anything that involves taking risks or achieving something. It's a complex behavior that we all struggle with, and it's rooted deep in our subconscious. People's self-protective mechanisms can take on various forms, influenced by their individual experiences and psychological traits.


One way this shows up is through excessive daydreaming, where someone spends an absurd amount of time concocting wild future scenarios or indulging in escapist fantasies instead of actually doing something to achieve their goals. Indulging in this delightful form of mental escape allows the master of procrastination to bask in the satisfaction of their imaginary triumphs, all while conveniently avoiding the challenges and potential setbacks that come with actually pursuing them in the real world.


Ever heard of overplanning? It's when someone gets so caught up in the nitty-gritty details of a project or goal that they never actually get anything done. Talk about a recipe for self-sabotage! With an uncanny ability to obsess over every little detail and imagine every possible scenario, the compulsive procrastinator manages to convince themselves that they're just being super thorough and responsible. But let's be real, they're just expertly dodging the necessary steps that would actually help them achieve their goals.

Analysis Paralysis

Self-help resources can totally backfire on you and cause analysis paralysis. So here's the deal: some people get so caught up in learning and collecting all these fancy tools for personal growth that they forget to actually put any of it into action. Talk about a missed opportunity! It's like being trapped in a never-ending loop of doing nothing, all while fooling yourself into thinking you're actually making progress toward becoming a better version of yourself.

The Role of Motivation in Procrastination

So, let's talk about motivation or "Big Mo," as Darren Hardy, author of The Compound Effect, likes to call it. Procrastination can sometimes sneak up on us when we just can't find the motivation to tackle a task. It's like our brain is saying, "Eh, I don't really care about this right now." Or maybe we just can't see the value in it. Either way, it's a struggle! However, when it comes to extrinsic motivation, which relies on external rewards or pressure, it may not always pack enough punch to conquer the temptation of procrastination.

Procrastination is a tricky beast. It can sneak up on you when you least expect it, fueled by a lack of motivation from both inside and outside sources. It's like a tug-of-war between your inner drive and the external factors that push you to get things done.

Intrinsic Motivation versus Extrinsic Motivation

Intrinsic motivation is all about those warm and fuzzy internal rewards like satisfaction and pleasure. On the other hand, extrinsic motivation is all about seeking external factors like praise or money. It's like the difference between treating yourself to a delicious slice of cake just because it makes you happy versus doing something solely for the praise or cash that comes with it. Both have their place, but it's always nice to have a little internal motivation to keep us going! If you really want to conquer and avoid procrastination, it's all about finding that sweet spot between what drives you from within and what pushes you from the outside.

Identifying the Sources of Your Procrastination

Neon lights that say what is your story
Photo Courtesy of Etienne Girardet

Environmental and Social Influences on Procrastination

Ever wondered why you just can't seem to kick that habit of procrastination? Well, it turns out that your environment and social connections might have something to do with it. It's been proven that where you are can have a major impact on your ability to procrastinate. Who would've thought? Having a messy, chaotic workspace or dealing with constant interruptions from coworkers, friends, or family members can really put a damper on productivity and make it all too easy to procrastinate.

The Role of Technology in Procrastination

In this crazy digital age, it's like the universe is conspiring against us to get anything done. There are so many distractions out there. It's a wonder we ever accomplish anything! With the irresistible allure of social media, the never-ending temptation of online shopping, and the endless array of streaming services, technology has become the ultimate enabler for procrastination. It's now easier than ever to avoid those important tasks that we know we should be tackling head-on.

Identifying Personal Procrastination Triggers

Everyone has their own special relationship with procrastination, and it's crucial to figure out what makes you put things off. If you want to tackle the eternal question, "Why can't I just get things done?" You will have to identify your triggers. It's quite interesting how different people have their own unique ways of procrastinating. Some might find themselves putting off certain tasks or avoiding certain work environments, while others have a knack for procrastinating at specific times of the day. It's like we all have our own little procrastination quirks! Discovering your own personal triggers can be a game-changer when it comes to conquering procrastination. Once you know what sets you off, you can craft a customized strategy to tackle it head-on.

How To Break the Procrastination Cycle with These Strategies?

Stop sign with street sign that says homework ave and procrastination parkway
Photo Courtesy of Pedro Forester Da Silva

Embracing Your Inner Zen: Self-Awareness and Mindfulness

One of the things you can do is start by cultivating some self-awareness and mindfulness when you want to stop putting things off. Trust me, it might just do the trick! By getting to know the sneaky thoughts and tricky emotions that make you put things off, you can start to see some patterns and really get why you do what you do.

Mastering the Art of Emotional Regulation

Aside from the whole "know thyself" and "be kind to yourself" spiel, it's pretty important to have some tricks up your sleeve for dealing with emotions that make you want to put things off. Give cognitive reframing, deep breathing, and mindfulness meditation a shot - they might just do the trick!

Divide and Conquer Those Daunting Tasks!

One common reason we can't stop procrastinating is that we often find ourselves drowning in the sheer enormity or mind-boggling complexity of the tasks we have to tackle. So, here's a little secret: breaking tasks into bite-sized pieces can work wonders. It's like taking a big, scary monster and turning it into a bunch of cute little puppies. Suddenly, those easier tasks that were once hiding in the shadows don't seem so intimidating anymore. It's all about making things more manageable and giving yourself the confidence to tackle them head-on. By tackling one tiny task at a time, you'll start gaining some serious momentum and slowly but surely kick that pesky procrastination habit to the curb.

Establish a Routine and Stick to It

Get ready to embrace the monotony! Establishing a routine is the key to a successful and predictable life. With a routine in place, you'll have structure and predictability in your life, making it harder for procrastination to sneak in and ruin your plans. So go ahead, give it a try and watch those procrastination demons run for the hills! By juggling different activities throughout your day, you can create a well-balanced schedule that keeps you focused and entertained. So, instead of getting overwhelmed by everything at once, break it down into manageable chunks and conquer each task with ease. Furthermore, establishing a routine can help you keep tabs on your progress and spot any bad habits of procrastination trying to wiggle their way in.

Setting Goals and Deadlines

Let's talk about setting goals and deadlines! Now, I know we all have big dreams and aspirations, but let's be real here. It's important to set goals that are actually achievable. I mean, we can't all become overnight millionaires or win the Nobel Prize, right? So, let's aim for something a little more realistic, like finishing that project by the end of the week.

Whoever came up with the idea of setting unrealistic goals and deadlines must have been out of their mind! I mean, seriously, what's the point? All it does is make us feel overwhelmed and anxious, which only leads to one thing: procrastination.

It's like a never-ending cycle of stress and putting things off. Ugh! By setting some realistic goals and giving yourself some deadlines, you can steer clear of procrastination and spare yourself from unnecessary stress. Plus, it'll give you a better shot at achieving success. Don't forget to chop up those big tasks and lofty goals into bite-sized chunks and throw yourself a little party every time you conquer one.

Time Management Challenges

Effective time management is absolutely crucial when it comes to tackling procrastination. Trust me, I've been there, and I've got some tips and tricks up my sleeve that might just help you out. When it comes to managing your time, there are so many techniques out there that it's hard to keep track. We've got the famous Pomodoro Technique, where you work in short bursts and take frequent breaks. Then there's time blocking, where you schedule specific blocks of time for different tasks. And let's not forget about the Eisenhower Matrix, a fancy way of prioritizing your tasks based on their importance and urgency. So many options, so little time! Go ahead and try out all sorts of wacky methods until you stumble upon the one that actually gets you to stop procrastinating and start getting stuff done. It's like a game of trial and error, but with the added bonus of increased productivity.

Develop Healthy Habits to Support Productivity

Establishing some healthy habits can work wonders for being more productive. It's all about getting into a groove and sticking to it or a flow state. Once you start incorporating those good habits into your routine, you'll be amazed at how much easier it becomes to kick procrastination to the curb. So, go ahead and give it a shot! It's important to make sure you're getting enough shut-eye, staying active, and chowing down on a variety of foods. By adopting these habits, you'll not only boost your physical health, but also give your mental clarity and overall well-being a serious upgrade. And hey, with all that newfound focus, procrastination won't stand a chance!

Seek Support and Accountability

Find some buddies who can keep you on track and make sure you don't fall off the wagon. It's always more fun to tackle goals with a team, plus you can all share in the triumphs and the inevitable mishaps along the way. All it takes is a little external support and accountability to kick that procrastination out and usher in the most productive you. Trust me, you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish when you've got someone keeping you in check. Don't be afraid to bug your friends, family, or colleagues for some much-needed motivation and support. They'll keep you on the right path and give you the push you need when you're feeling a little lazy. On the bright side, you could always try joining a productivity group or even hiring a coach to give you a little kick in the pants and help you conquer your procrastination habits. Just a thought!

Employ Positive Reinforcement and Reward Systems

Let's spice things up with some positive reinforcement and reward systems! Adding a little sprinkle of fun and excitement to your daily routine can do wonders in keeping you on track and steering clear of the dreaded procrastination monster. When you dangle a little carrot in front of yourself, like a treat or a small reward, it adds a dash of excitement and anticipation to the task at hand. The things I will do for a Coke Zero are almost shameful.

Strengthen Your Willpower and Self-Discipline

Developing your willpower and self-discipline is absolutely crucial. A question I used to ask myself? If I actually get off the couch and do some exercise or meditation, I'll magically become a master of productivity and stop procrastinating. The answer is over time and being consistent, yes you will. Who knew that discipline could be the secret weapon against our eternal struggle with procrastination?

The Bottom Line is This...

Procrastination can be like trying to solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded. But fear not, because once we unravel the mysteries behind it, we'll be one step closer to conquering it. With the help of the tips and tricks shared in this blog post, you'll finally be able to tackle the age-old question of why you just can't seem to kick the habit of procrastination and putting things off. Keep in mind that change doesn't happen overnight, so it's important to cut yourself some slack as you strive to build new habits and escape the clutches of procrastination. Just remember, "Rome wasn't built in a day"! With a dash of determination and a sprinkle of dedication, you can obliterate procrastination habits and unleash your true awesomeness.

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